5 About calibration
5.1 Introduction
Calibration of a thermal camera is a prerequisite for temperature measurement. The calibration provides the relationship between
the input signal and the physical quantity that the user wants to measure. However, despite its widespread and frequent use,
the term “calibration” is often misunderstood and misused. Local and national differences as well as translation-related issues
create additional confusion.
Unclear terminology can lead to difficulties in communication and erroneous translations, and subsequently to incorrect measurements
due to misunderstandings and, in the worst case, even to lawsuits.
5.2 Definition—what is calibration?
The International Bureau of Weights and Measures
in the following way:
an operation that, under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement
uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and,
in a second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from an indication.
The calibration itself may be expressed in different formats: this can be a statement, calibration function, calibration diagram
, calibration curve
, or calibration table.
Often, the first step alone in the above definition is perceived and referred to as being “calibration.” However, this is
not (always) sufficient.
Considering the calibration procedure of a thermal camera, the first step establishes the relation between emitted radiation
(the quantity value) and the electrical output signal (the indication). This first step of the calibration procedure consists
of obtaining a homogeneous (or uniform) response when the camera is placed in front of an extended source of radiation.
As we know the temperature of the reference source emitting the radiation, in the second step the obtained output signal (the
indication) can be related to the reference source’s temperature (measurement result). The second step includes drift measurement
and compensation.
To be correct, calibration of a thermal camera is, strictly, not expressed through temperature. Thermal cameras are sensitive
to infrared radiation: therefore, at first you obtain a radiance correspondence, then a relationship between radiance and
temperature. For bolometer cameras used by non-R&D customers, radiance is not expressed: only the temperature is provided.
5.3 Camera calibration at
FLIR Systems
Without calibration, an infrared camera would not be able to measure either radiance or temperature. At
FLIR Systems
, the calibration of uncooled microbolometer cameras with a measurement capability is carried out during both production and
service. Cooled cameras with photon detectors are often calibrated by the user with special software. With this type of software,
in theory, common handheld uncooled thermal cameras could be calibrated by the user too. However, as this software is not
suitable for reporting purposes, most users do not have it. Non-measuring devices that are used for imaging only do not need
temperature calibration. Sometimes this is also reflected in camera terminology when talking about infrared or thermal imaging
cameras compared with thermography cameras, where the latter are the measuring devices.
The calibration information, no matter if the calibration is done by
FLIR Systems
or the user, is stored in calibration curves, which are expressed by mathematical functions. As radiation intensity changes
with both temperature and the distance between the object and the camera, different curves are generated for different temperature
ranges and exchangeable lenses.
5.4 The differences between a calibration performed by a user and that performed directly at
FLIR Systems
First, the reference sources that
FLIR Systems
uses are themselves calibrated and traceable. This means, at each
FLIR Systems
site performing calibration, that the sources are controlled by an independent national authority. The camera calibration
certificate is confirmation of this. It is proof that not only has the calibration been performed by
FLIR Systems
but that it has also been carried out using calibrated references. Some users own or have access to accredited reference
sources, but they are very few in number.
Second, there is a technical difference. When performing a user calibration, the result is often (but not always) not drift
compensated. This means that the values do not take into account a possible change in the camera’s output when the camera’s
internal temperature varies. This yields a larger uncertainty. Drift compensation uses data obtained in climate-controlled
chambers. All
FLIR Systems
cameras are drift compensated when they are first delivered to the customer and when they are recalibrated by
FLIR Systems
service departments.
5.5 Calibration, verification and adjustment
A common misconception is to confuse calibration with verification or adjustment. Indeed, calibration is a prerequisite for verification, which provides confirmation that specified requirements are met. Verification provides objective evidence that a given item
fulfills specified requirements. To obtain the verification, defined temperatures (emitted radiation) of calibrated and traceable
reference sources are measured. The measurement results, including the deviation, are noted in a table. The verification certificate
states that these measurement results meet specified requirements. Sometimes, companies or organizations offer and market
this verification certificate as a “calibration certificate.”
Proper verification—and by extension calibration and/or recalibration—can only be achieved when a validated protocol is respected.
The process is more than placing the camera in front of blackbodies and checking if the camera output (as temperature, for
instance) corresponds to the original calibration table. It is often forgotten that a camera is not sensitive to temperature
but to radiation. Furthermore, a camera is an imaging system, not just a single sensor. Consequently, if the optical configuration allowing the camera to “collect” radiance is
poor or misaligned, then the “verification” (or calibration or recalibration) is worthless.
For instance, one has to ensure that the distance between the blackbody and the camera as well as the diameter of the blackbody
cavity are chosen so as to reduce stray radiation and the size-of-source effect.
To summarize: a validated protocol must comply with the physical laws for radiance, and not only those for temperature.
Calibration is also a prerequisite for adjustment, which is the set of operations carried out on a measuring system such that the system provides prescribed indications corresponding
to given values of quantities to be measured, typically obtained from measurement standards. Simplified, adjustment is a manipulation
that results in instruments that measure correctly within their specifications. In everyday language, the term “calibration”
is widely used instead of “adjustment” for measuring devices.
5.6 Non-uniformity correction
When the thermal camera displays ”Calibrating…” it is adjusting for the deviation in response of each individual detector
element (pixel). In thermography, this is called a ”non-uniformity correction” (NUC). It is an offset update, and the gain
remains unchanged.
The European standard EN 16714-3, Non-destructive Testing—Thermographic Testing—Part 3: Terms and Definitions, defines an NUC as “Image correction carried out by the camera software to compensate for different sensitivities of detector
elements and other optical and geometrical disturbances.”
During the NUC (the offset update), a shutter (internal flag) is placed in the optical path, and all the detector elements
are exposed to the same amount of radiation originating from the shutter. Therefore, in an ideal situation, they should all
give the same output signal. However, each individual element has its own response, so the output is not uniform. This deviation
from the ideal result is calculated and used to mathematically perform an image correction, which is essentially a correction
of the displayed radiation signal. Some cameras do not have an internal flag. In this case, the offset update must be performed
manually using special software and an external uniform source of radiation.
An NUC is performed, for example, at start-up, when changing a measurement range, or when the environment temperature changes.
Some cameras also allow the user to trigger it manually. This is useful when you have to perform a critical measurement with
as little image disturbance as possible.
5.7 Thermal image adjustment (thermal tuning)
Some people use the term “image calibration” when adjusting the thermal contrast and brightness in the image to enhance specific
details. During this operation, the temperature interval is set in such a way that all available colors are used to show only
(or mainly) the temperatures in the region of interest. The correct term for this manipulation is “thermal image adjustment”
or “thermal tuning”, or, in some languages, “thermal image optimization.” You must be in manual mode to undertake this, otherwise
the camera will set the lower and upper limits of the displayed temperature interval automatically to the coldest and hottest
temperatures in the scene.