FLIR Ignite
FLIR Ignite
1 Disclaimers
1.1 Legal disclaimer
1.2 Quality assurance
1.3 Usage statistics
1.4 Third-party licenses
1.5 Copyright
2 Notice to user
2.1 Online documentation
2.2 Customer support
2.3 Training
2.4 Note about generic manuals
2.5 Note about authoritative versions
3 Introduction
- View images and dataAny image uploaded from your FLIR Ignite enabled camera can be directly viewed from your web browser. You can see measurement functions in the image, read notes attached, zoom in to see more details, and switch between thermal and visual images.
- Edit imagesEdit your thermal images online in the browser on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Organize in foldersYour FLIR camera can create folders and these folders will be created in FLIR Ignite as well. Images saved in the folders on your camera will be uploaded to the corresponding folder in FLIR Ignite. You can create additional folders and move the folders created in your camera into those, to create a suitable structure for your thermal images.
- Create quick reportsCreate reports based on one or several of your thermal images.
- SearchYou can search among all your files and images uploaded to FLIR Ignite. It is possible to search on file names, folder names, and any notes added to the images.
- Sync images with your computerWith FLIR Ignite Sync your image library is automatically synced with your computer, allowing you to easily analyze and create reports in a FLIR Thermography software. You can add or rename images and all changes will instantly be synced across all your devices.
- Download imagesYou can select one or more images for download to your computer. Folders and selections of multiple files are downloaded as .zip files.
- Collaborate with team membersYou can invite team members to edit or view a folder. The collaborators simply sign in to their FLIR Ignite account, accept the invitation, and can then start working directly in the folder.
- Share with colleagues and clientsYou can share results with colleagues and clients by generating a shared link. You can share individual images and entire folders. Shared links can be password protected and you can set an expiry date.
4 Getting started
4.1 Accessing FLIR Ignite
4.2 Creating an account
4.3 Pairing
4.4 Uploading images
4.5 Syncing
5 User interface
5.1 Library
- Folder/image nameClick the folder/image name to open the folder/image.
- Folder/image rowClick the folder/image row to display folder/image information in the right pane.
- SearchClick to search for an image or folder. You can search on file names, folder names, and any notes added to the images.
- New folderClick the button to create a new folder in the library.
- Upload imagesClick the button to upload files from your computer.
- ButtonsClick a button to create a Quick report, download, move or copy, rename, or delete the selected image.
- Image informationClick Details to view information about the image.Click Sharing to view information about any shared links or to create a link for sharing.
- Image toolbarThe image toolbar includes options for zooming, full screen viewing, and toggling of IR/DC images.
- Data toolbarThe data toolbar includes options for display of measurement data, image details, and location.
- MenuClick to display a menu where you can select to create a shareable link, create a Quick report, download, move or copy, rename, and delete the image.
5.2 Settings
5.2.1 Account
5.2.2 Sharing
5.2.3 Profile
5.2.4 Data & Security
5.2.5 Quick report
6 Using the Library
6.1 Viewing an image
To view an image and associated data, do the following:
To open an image, click the image name.
To view the image data, do the following:
- Click
to view the measurement data.
- Click
to view images details, for example date and camera model.
- Click
to view the location where the image was taken.
To view the visual image, click .
6.2 Searching
To search for an image or folder, do the following:
Click .
Select the check box to search only in the current folder.
Enter your search criteria.
6.3 Sharing results
To share your results, do the following:
Select an image/folder by clicking the row.
In the right pane, click Sharing.
To create a link, click Create link. This opens a dialog box where you can create a link, optionally protected with a password and a date when the link will no longer will be active.
To copy a link, click Copy link.
6.4 Collaborating
To invite collaborators and manage the collaboration folder, do the following:
Select a folder by clicking the row.
In the right pane, click Sharing.
To invite the first collaborator to the folder, click Collaborate. This opens a dialog box where you can invite a person to edit or view the folder.
To manage a folder with one or more collaborators, click Manage collaborators. This opens a dialog box where you can add and remove collaborators.
6.5 Downloading images and folders
To download images and folders, do the following:
Select an image/folder by clicking the row.
Select multiple images/folders by using the Ctrl and Shift keys.
Click the DOWNLOAD button.
6.6 Creating a new folder
To create a new folder, do the following:
Make sure no folder or image is selected.
Click the NEW FOLDER button.
Enter the name and click CREATE.
6.7 Moving or copying images and folders
To move or copy images and folders, do the following:
Select an image/folder by clicking the row.
Select multiple images/folders by using the Ctrl and Shift keys.
Click the MOVE OR COPY button.
Select the destination folder.
Click the MOVE or COPY button.
6.8 Creating reports
To create a report, do the following:
Select an image by clicking the row.
Select multiple images by using the Ctrl and Shift keys.
Click the QUICK REPORT button.
Enter the title and description of the report, and then click NEXT.
Select the destination folder, and then click CREATE.
7 Editing images
- MeasurementsAdd, remove, or modify measurements like spots, boxes, lines, or ellipses.
- Rotate image
- PalettesSelect from a set of standard palettes.
- Fusion modesSelect your preferred fusion mode to mix a visual image with its corresponding thermal image.
- Color distributionA different color distribution can make it easier to analyze the image more thoroughly.
- IsothermsUse isotherms to apply a contrasting color to all pixels with a temperature Above or Below a certain temperature, or within a certain temperature Interval. Using isotherms is a good method to easily discover anomalies in a thermal image.
- Fusion alignmentMove, rotate, and resize the visual image in order to align it with the thermal image.
- Image parametersEdit the parameters of the image.
- Annotations and NotesAdd, edit, and remove text annotations and notes. Listen to voice annotations.
- Save the image.
8 FLIR Ignite Sync
8.1 System requirements
- FLIR Ignite Sync must be installed on your Windows 10 computer.
- FLIR Ignite Sync must be running on your computer.
- You must have logged in to your FLIR Ignite account via FLIR Ignite Sync.
- Your computer must be connected to internet.
8.2 Installation and setup
- Go to and download the FLIR Ignite Sync application.
- To start the installation, double-click the downloaded executable file.
- When the installation is completed, the application starts and the FLIR Ignite Sync icon appears in the taskbar.If there is no icon, you can start FLIR Ignite Sync from the Start menu.
- Click the
icon to log in to your FLIR Ignite account, accept the terms and conditions, and select the location of the sync folder on your computer.
8.3 Start application
- Start the FLIR Ignite Sync application from the Start menu or by double-clicking the desktop icon.
- Click the
icon in the taskbar and log in to your FLIR Ignite account.
8.4 User interface
- Click the button to open the sync folder on your computer.
- Click the button to open your FLIR Ignite Library in a web browser.
- Click the icon to open a menu.
- Click Change sync folder to change the location of the sync folder.
- Click Selective sync to select which folders to sync.
- Click Pause sync to pause the syncing.
- Click Check for updates to check for and install software updates.
- Click Help to go to the FLIR Ignite online documentation web page.
- Click Log out to log out from your FLIR Ignite account. This stops the syncing.
- Click Quit to quit FLIR Ignite Sync. This stops the syncing.